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contoh kalimat das erste

"das erste" terjemahan bahasa Indonesia  
  • ARD Das Erste, you can still be taken in the SD and HD versions with Astra satellite (19,2°E).
    ARD Das Erste, Anda masih dapat diambil dalam versi SD dan HD dengan satelit Astra (19,2° E).
  • In Germany, the two semi-finals were broadcast on EinsFestival and Phoenix and the final was broadcast on Das Erste.
    Di Jerman, dua tahapan semifinal disiarkan oleh EinsFestival dan Phoenix dan untuk babak final disiarkan oleh Das Erste.
  • On 16 March 2010, the video premiered on public broadcaster Das Erste right before Germany's most watched evening news bulletin Tagesschau.
    Pada tanggal 16 Maret 2010, video perdana pada penyiaran publik Das Erste tepat sebelum berita malam yang paling banyak ditonton, Tagesschau.
  • German public broadcaster ARD Das Erste only to 31 March 2017 year will be broadcast via satellite Eutelsat Hot Bird 13B (13°E).
    penyiar publik Jerman ARD Das Erste hanya untuk 31 Maret 2017 tahun akan disiarkan melalui satelit Eutelsat Hot Bird 13B (13° E).
  • Currently, with the orbital position 19,2 ° E, you can take in the SD main channel ARD Das Erste, as well as a number of regional channels.
    Saat ini, dengan posisi orbit 19,2 ° E, Anda dapat mengambil di SD saluran utama ARD Das Erste, serta sejumlah saluran daerah.
  • As well as contributing to the output of the national television channel Das Erste, WDR produces the regional television service WDR Fernsehen (formerly known as WDF and West3) and six regional radio networks.
    Selain mengisi konten saluran televisi nasional Das Erste, WDR memproduseri layanan televisi regional WDR Fernsehen (sebelumnya bernama WDF dan West3) dan enam jaringan radio regional.